with integrated
Available as a single unit with a completely integrated frame or as separate components - which can be used in tandem or individually - our Combined Sandwich/Tray Loader System take cookies from the oven or cooler band, sandwiches them, loads them into their trays, and presents them for a flow wrapper or another piece of packaging equipment.
The Sandwiching System with Cooling Tunnel

The ThroughFlow Sandwiching System can be combined with a Cooling Tunnel which provides both radiant and convection cooling.
The Tray Loader

The VDE Tray Loader is based on almost 30 years of refinement and experience.
The solution to reducing the man-power needed in the packaging department, the Tray Loader forms the last section of the combined system.
The Full Set: The Combined System

The combined system is a production solution that combines both sandwiching and tray loading into one integrated package, that sits on a compact footprint.
The system can also be supplied ready to feed into whatever packaging equipment you want your filled trays going into.