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The ThroughFlow Junior puts our entire ThroughFlow Sandwich System into a compact package ideal for smaller bakeries looking to add a layer of automation, or larger bakeries that need either short run or prototyping capabilities.


Utilizing the most capable and most compact cookie system available in the industry, without needing costly investments into infrastructure to operate.


This is the alternative to a second-hand sandwiching machine, which may need to be altered and worked on in order to work properly away from an oven band.

The ThroughFlow Junior is ready and built-for-purpose.

  • 4-12 lanes wide

  • Unit available with automatic pan loading

  • Manually fed; magazines, vibratory feed, or bake sheet feed

  • Full width depositor - 1 or 2 colors!

  • Optional manifold depositing

  • Sanitary production, no chains near your product, no belts

  • Mechanical capping, no vibratory chutes, no vacuum

  • Exact, controlled, height calibration

  • Change production within minutes

  • Plenty of capacity

The system can sandwich cookies with jam, jelly, gelatine, and regular stencil cream or chocolate.

Multiple Possibilities

Our ThroughFlow JR System is capable of handling almost any shape and size - including handmade, artisan cookies.

It will even accept 'odd' shapes, such as a star or maple leaf.

The Junior is fully equipped and ready to produce a wide range linzer style cookies, with almost any filling.
Our unique system has the capability to run irregular and even handmade cookies, and sandwich them without issue
Our unique system will work with odd shapes including a star shaped cookie.

Sandwiching or Cream Depositing


As an option, at the click of a button the TF-JR can be turned into a cream depositing system.


Running the cookies through the equipment, the depositor that is used to add the filling can also be used to deposit shapes of cream or even a swirl onto the top of a cookie.

As an option VDE offers a swirl mechanism, which when in operation, replaces the sandwiching function.
The system can be configured to run with two fillings, or a filling with inclusions – giving you options!

1 or 2 Colors.

With or without inclusions.

Your choice.


Our piston-type depositor will work with virtually any cream or jam. It will also work seamlessly with fruit, nuts, chocolate or any other inclusions.


The equipment can also be supplied with a two color pump.

Manual feed options:


Bake sheet paper feed                                                            Magazine feed

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Optional Chocolate/Candy/Sugar Stringer or Sprinkler


The main aim of the compact production series is to take work out of workers' hands. To that end, the TF-JR can be equipped with an integrated or after-market chocolate drizzler/stringer, or a sprinkler for ingredients like confectionery sugar or sprinkles.


This gives users the ability to load the machine on one end and get completely finished product out of the other end - automating all of the detail work, without adding a huge amount of equipment and/or infrastructure.

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Cooling Tunnel Option


The standard TF-JR comes with automatic pan re-loading that puts cookies onto a bake pan.


Another option is to put the cookies straight through into a VDE Cooling Tunnel for another layer of automation.


Adding a Cooling Tunnel will help chocolate or filling solidify ready for packaging or further handling.

Sanitary Product Handling.


No wires carrying the product, and no chains near your biscuits. Instead, the ThroughFlow uses clean, full width stainless carriers throughout the system.

Sanitary Product Handling

Simple. Unique. Sanitary.


  • No belts in the creaming and capping area.

  • Every other row will be mechanically turned upside down.

  • 1 or 2 color, piston type depositor.

  • With/without inclusions

  • No wires carrying the product, no chains near the product; just clean full width stainless steel carriers

  • Mechanical capping, no vacuum.

  • Full width discharge, ready for your cooling tunnel, packaging or our Tray Loader.

Contact us for more information

Get in touch with us for more information on this system, and how it can be built to suit your exact needs.


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